Thursday, November 14, 2013

All Hail the Queen... and King!

PLC doesn't mess around when it comes to school spirit. This past Saturday at RSU homecoming, Houston Gaither and Darcy Roach of the President's Leadership Class were awarded king and queen! Not only did two fine PLC members become royalty, but the PLC class as a whole was also awarded most spirited at the basketball game. Our awesome group showed how school spirit can really make an impact on campus!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Serving the Community

One of the most important qualities of the President's Leadership Class is giving back to the community. This past Saturday, we all loaded up on the Hillcat charter bus at 8 am and made our way towards Tulsa to serve at the food bank. We packaged dry goods for three hours in a large warehouse building along with other people from the community who had a heart for volunteering. It was amazing being involved in a charity that feeds hundreds of people in the Tulsa area. This community service was a great way to grow closer as a PLC group as well as grow closer to the community.

Have a great week RSU, and let this quote make you think about community service!
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Not the Norm

Welcome back PLC blog readers! Another week has flown by here at Rogers State University, and I have much to report on what the President's Leadership Class has been up to.

Every Wednesday, all forty three of us attend our PLC class which is taught by none other than Stratton Taylor, but last week wasn't the normal situation. Constitution day, held by RSU, fell on the same time as our class. The lucky freshman PLC members and a few upperclassmen, were fortunate enough to attend this event, while the other members got the day off from class.

The Honorable David L Russell
Judge Russell
Constitution day is an event in which Rogers State University presents an award to an Oklahoman who has demonstrated a strong commitment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution through his or her life's work. The Honorable David Russell, Senior U.S. District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, was this years recipient. Our freshman class, among many other guests, enjoyed a speech from judge Russell as well as a delicious meal from the university. Constitution day was a great event that expanded our knowledge and gave us the opportunity to respect our leaders in government.

If you're wondering what the PLC class actually does during its normal Wednesday classes, let me fill you in. At the beginning of class, we go over important information that will affect us in the weeks ahead. The most exciting part of any class is the lectures. While Stratton Taylor does talk to us, he almost always brings in an influential leader from our state or nation to speak with us about what it means to be an effective and successful leader. Two weeks ago, our class had the privilege of listening to Ken Levit. Mr. Levitt was the advisor to the director of the CIA in 1999, 2000, and 2001. He shared with us great information about how the CIA works and how it protects our country. Although he is not currently working for the CIA, we asked him plenty of questions regarding the issue of Syria and other middle eastern countries. It is truly amazing to hear from a man who has experienced so much, and is willing to share his advice with us.

The class usually concludes with Stratton Taylor giving us a weekly essay to write that is typically an imaginary scenario based on real events. Last weeks assignment was this: You are the superintendent of the imaginary town of Riceville which is a community of five thousand people who are all Christian. As the leader of the public school system, you have to decide whether or not to allow daily bible readings over the intercom in every class. In this scenario, the constitution or any other legal concern does not apply. You have to base your decision on what you think is best for the community. Feel free to comment on this blog with your opinion of this scenario! What would you do?

Have a great week Rogers State University, and remember:  Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward!

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Fresh Start

Hello readers!

My name is Matthew Rahn (ron), and I will be the new blogger for the President's Leadership Class this year. I look forward to keeping the student body updated on all things PLC, and I plan to keep RSU students current on events and news that effect everyone on and off campus.

The Presidential Leadership Class is hitting the ground running this year with many planned events that will keep the campus lively and exciting.

Here is a list of PLC events that are coming up soon:

  • Fairest on the Hill Beauty Pageant- October 15th at 7pm in the Centennial Center Ballroom
OKC Skyline after the show.

When PLC isn't busy planning events, we like to have a little fun. This past sunday, we all traveled by bus to Oklahoma City where we tested our bowling skills and took in the musical Wicked. It was a great show, and everyone seemed to love it! The event was also a great way for the incoming freshman to get to know their fellow PLC classmates a little better. Even though the late night bus ride back to campus wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, I'm sure we would do it again in a heart beat. 

That's all I have for this week's Presidential Leadership blog! Tune in next week for more exciting news that is sure to keep you informed and updated. Have a happy monday and consider this quote throughout the week: "When you get stressed, just remember that it spells desserts backwards, which means more than one dessert." -My wonderfully witty aunt. 


Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring Showers Bring May Flowers

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is staying dry today on this rainy Monday. I also hope everyone is staying safe on the roads. Don't drive unless you need too. Ok, I'm done being Grandpa Zach. But I'm keeping the cane and suspenders.

I think it's important to bring attention to some important dates coming up for PLC and RSU.

RSU's Got Talent is right around the corner on March 12Auditions will be held next week so get your act together and try out Monday March 4 from 5-8pm or Wednesday March 6 from 5-8pm in the Centennial Center! If you don't have your act together, come anyway. Bring a dog if you have too. Actually, no dogs please.

Also right around the corner is the PLC trip to go see the Thunder beat the Lakers in OKC! I just knocked on wood so it's ok for me to say they will win. Remember to plan accordingly. We'll be leaving at 5:00 PM and returning in the wee hours of the morning. Of course, if you're like me the bus is opportune sleep time. Bring a pillow and blanket if you want you guys. I will probably bring a teddy bear...don't judge. I am looking forward to this ladies and gents. I am psyching myself up. Right now. I am psyched. Whoa nelly. Gotta slow my heart down for a second.

Thanks to everyone that showed up Sunday to grade and pizza stain the applications. I think it's safe to say we had fun and managed to get a lot done. That just rhymed.

Remember if you didn't finish through all of the applications you will have to complete your list before it can be used.

Once again, I hope everyone is having a great Monday despite the gloom outside. Stay safe on the streets, they will more than likely ice over tonight. 

With mucho gracias love and hugs, and puppy dogs,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Spring 13

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of their Spring 13 semester. I certainly am. This last week in class we watched a video featuring Fareed Zakaria. He spoke eloquently about the reasons why our generation and country basically is the best. Kinda got me pumped about life you guys.

We also discussed the upcoming events for this semester and...look out people. Lots of events. Lots of fun. Coming at ya. You can't stop it.

  • RSU's Got Talent is already on the bulletin. Save the evening of March 12. It will be a night to remember. Unless you somehow acquire amnesia. Then it would be a night to forget. 

  • March 5 is another date to save. We will be watching some rubbish dumb basketball game or something...Sike. Totally kidding. We are going to watch the best basketball team to grace God's green earth. The Oklahoma City Thunder will be playing the Los Angeles Lakers in OKC, and we are going to see it. We will be leaving at 5:00 PM and returning around 1:00 AM.

  • And yet another cool fantastic event. We are traveling to Eureka Springs April 19-21. We will be exploring the historic city in all her glory. 

A reminder! People please go visit with Dr. Taylor before the February 6th. This applies to me as well. Feel free to shame me in public for my hypocrisy. I'll even shame myself look.

 Well I guess this is actually pointing at you now, since you're reading this. I apologize. But it must stay.

Another reminder. Paragraphs are due this Wednesday upon arrival to class. Let's see if we can get everyone single member there to turn them in. It will seriously take a few moments to get this done and I'm sure it would be well appreciated. Challenge mode!

I wanted to include some of the advice from the guide for living in 2013 we received in our packet.

Drink plenty of will be amazing how much better this makes you feel.

Play more games...unless you already play a lot of games. Then disregard this point.

Don't have negative thoughts on things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 

Don't overdo. Keep your limits.

Smile and laugh more.

You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

Those are just a few that stuck out to me. The whole list is fantastic. Hang it up on your wall. Or maybe in your shower in a plastic bag. Or on the ceiling above your bed. I think mine is going on my door.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic semester already. As always, don't be afraid to come talk to me. I am almost always available to talk or give advice or maybe even provide comic relief in a stressful time.

I'll see you this Wednesday ladies and gentlemen!